Family Barbeque 1 & 2 - Blu-Ray disc:
NEW FOR 2014 SEASON! Shot on professional 3CCD HD Cameras for the best picture quality.
2-Disc Blu-Ray Combo Pack! Save $40 over the price of single discs. Join this large group of nudists for a fun summer B-B-Q! Our HD nudist camera crew enjoyed a beautiful summer day with this group of nudist families and friends, as they celebrated the naturist lifestyle with a B-B-Q feast and lots of light-hearted fun and games. The group begins preparing food in the kitchen, then plays indoor games including a very funny nudist version of pin the tail on the donkey. Then the group goes outside to play a variety of games including volleyball, funny dice rolling, dancing, and cooling off with a water spray. They finish this perfect day with a non-alcoholic champagne toast and a feast of the B-B-Q they've prepared. Our joyous Ukrainian nudists have a memorable summer day together that no one will soon forget!
Includes bonus 2nd camera footage as well. Stills shown are from Part 2 of the movie, see Part 1 for more stills. Note - all images shown are unretouched frame captures from the video (reduced in resolution), not photographs! More
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Format: 2 Blu-Ray discs
Resolution: 1920x1080
Running Time: approx. 130 minutes
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