Hula, Hola! 2 - Blu-Ray disc:
NEW HD RELEASE! Shot on professional 3CCD HD Cameras for the best picture quality.
Enjoy this fun-filled mix of dancing, singing, hula-ing, and games on the nudist beach! Our HD nudist camera crew enjoyed a beautiful summer day with this group of female nudists, on Eastern Europe's most picturesque nudist beach. In Part 1, the girls start with swimming and games including volleyball, jump rope, fill the bucket, hot potato, and Frisbee. Then, everyone tries their hand at body painting with metallic paints. In Part 2, the body art is finished and the singing and dancing begins. There's lots of laughs as the girls try singing Mexican songs, followed by traditional Russian favorites. There's some very funny circle dancing as well, then these fun-filled nudists finish their perfect day with some hula-ing, and even our new favorite game - human hula toss! Lots of fun and laughs were had by all, and the joy shines through in this great HD movie.
Includes bonus 2nd camera footage as well. Note - all images shown are unretouched frame captures from the video (reduced in resolution), not photographs! More
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this movie are available on our site.
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Format: Blu-Ray disc
Resolution: 1920x1080
Running Time: approx. 62 minutes
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