Go Fly a Kite, Again! I & II - 2-Disc Blu-Ray Combo Set:
NEW FOR 2014 SEASON! Shot on ULTRA-HQ professional HD Cameras and lenses for the best picture quality.
Special 2-disc set - save $40! Includes over 2 hours of footage. Stills shown are from Part II, see Part I Blu-Ray for more stills. It's the sequel to 'Go Fly a Kite' - with even more yoga, fun, and games! Join this energetic group of naturists on a beautiful mountainside clearing, overlooking Eastern Europe's most famous nudist beach. In Part I, the group of begins with meditation, yoga, and stretching. Then they play funny charades, do some colorful body painting, and play the 'guess the name on my back' game.
In Part II, the group continues with games, including charades and paddle ball toss. The paint is washed off using portable bottle showers, and finally the group does their best to fly colorful kites on this beautiful mountainside! There were lots of fun and laughs on this perfect summer day, and the HD image is excellent. Shot in 50Mbps Ultra-HQ HD 1080p. Features footage from two camera angles. Note - stills shown are from part II of this movie. All images shown are unretouched frame captures from the video (reduced in resolution), not photographs! More
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Format: 2 Blu-Ray discs
Resolution: 1920x1080
Running Time: approx. 154 minutes
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