Nude Camping and Crazy Games - Blu-Ray disc:
NEW FOR 2014 SEASON! Shot on professional 3CCD HD Cameras for the best picture quality.
Join this energetic group of nudist families and friends, for nude camping and some crazy fun & games! Our HD nudist camera crew enjoyed a beautiful summer day with this large group of nudists of all ages, as they set up camp on a beautiful sandy nudist beach. The group starts with swimming in the sea and playing volleyball. Then, as our nudist chefs prepare the BBQ, the girls assemble a rugged tent - the lodging of choice for most nudists on this beach. Afterward, there's body painting and a break to enjoy the delicious lunch. Finally, the group gears up for some fun (and very funny) nudist games. There's a light-hearted competition of sack races, balloon races, human hula hoop toss, and more - even a nude limbo contest!
This HD documentary film has fun & energetic nudists of all ages, interesting and funny activities, a beautiful natural setting, and as always, the great HD image quality Candid-HD.com is known for. Note - all images shown are unretouched frame captures from the video (reduced in resolution), not photographs! More
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this movie are available on our site.
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Format: Blu-Ray disc
Resolution: 1920x1080
Running Time: approx. 85 minutes
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